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Peace Pilgrim: The Four Relinquishments
On New Year's Day a woman named Mildred Norman Ryder left behind her home, her family and her name, to begin what would turn into a 28-year walk for 'a meaningful way of life'. Peace Pilgrim's fearlessness, love and simplicity have inspired generations of people worldwide. Here she shares the four relinquishments that powered her way of life. "Once you've made the first relinquishment, you have fo... posted on May 04 2016, 20,091 reads


Everything is Incredible
How often do we burden imagination - and the artistic product of imagination - with prosaic expectations appropriate only to the physical realities of the mundane world? What is the cost of these blinders? And what is the power of an unfettered creative process? These themes, and many others, are explored in this beautiful film, which tells the story of a poor, bent, Honduran villager who has been... posted on May 03 2016, 3,863 reads


5 Life Lessons from My Specially-Abled Son
Global tech executive VR Ferose has been celebrated for his considerable accomplishments in the business world. The guiding inspiration and motivating force in his life? His five-year-old son Vivaan who was diagnosed a few years ago with autism. "My journey as a parent of a specially-abled son has been one of extreme emotions -- from disappointment to hope; from pain to joy; from love to anguish -... posted on May 02 2016, 15,065 reads


Slow Down to Get Ahead
Chronic rushing through a never ending to-do list feeds anxiety and heightens stress levels. Due to the epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, released in the brain during stressful periods, our brains get hooked on the stimulation of activity. Our bodies become addicted to rushing and our minds switch into autopilot with everything of high importance and needing to get accomplished quickly. We st... posted on May 01 2016, 9,709 reads


Art & Science Fusion
"Diane and I feel like the students need to break across what E.O. Wilson calls "the borderland." We have an entomologist, a botanist, a horticulturist; artists, musicians and photographers come in and talk to the students. We have a photography class and the professor, Terry Nathan, is an atmospheric scientist. He came to us and said, "I've been a bit of a photographer all my life, but there was ... posted on Apr 30 2016, 9,889 reads


5 Things Science Says Will Make You Happier
Happy people are healthier; they get sick less often and live longer. They have more friends, make more money and are more productive at work. Decades of research show that happiness is not just a personal issue, but a matter of public health, global economics, and national well-being. Although it isn't easy, there are some proven methods...... posted on Apr 29 2016, 69,542 reads


The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers
"How do creative people come up with great ideas? Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies 'originals': thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals - including embracing failure. 'The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they're the ones who try the most,' Grant says. 'You need a lo... posted on Apr 28 2016, 28,674 reads


Changing the World One Word at a Time
Listen to Belissa Escobedo, Rhiannon McGavin, and Zariya Allen, members of the Get Lit organization, who are determined to change the world, one word at a time. In this performance of "Somewhere in America," they open for singer John Legend at the Hollywood Bowl. The poem calls to attention the kind of information passed along unintentionally in classrooms, and addresses some hard truths and dark... posted on Apr 27 2016, 4,647 reads


Peace is Possible: The Remarkable Story of A Prison Friendship
"For more than 50 years, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (in Spanish, FARC) have been fighting a guerrilla war for social justice. In response, the rich and powerful created paramilitary forces to defend the existing social order. On both sides, those doing the fighting are mostly poor villagers and workers." In this interview, we learn of an extraordinary and unlikely friendship betwe... posted on Apr 26 2016, 8,041 reads


The Capacity for Successful Solitude
When asked to share her thoughts on the value of solitude, and her view that if people don't learn to be alone, then they are guaranteed to be lonely, author and psychologist Sherry Turkle had this to say...... posted on Apr 25 2016, 24,324 reads


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Quote Bulletin

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
Oscar Wilde

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